Child Find:
Autauga County Schools provide extensive opportunities for identification of children who may have a disability requiring Special Education Services. Children ages birth-21 may receive a free appropriate public education through Child Find, a State funded program. Services are available through the Autauga County Schools for all eligible children with disabilities from ages 3 through 21 years of age. Contact the State Child Find Agency at (800) 543-3098 for children ages birth through two years of age.
Parents residing within Autauga County who suspect their child may have a disability are encouraged to contact (334) 361-3843.

General Information: The Autauga County Special Education Department provides opportunities for students with disabilities to participate in educational activities that will facilitate their achievement. A full range of services that meet the needs of all identified students with disabilities (Pre-K through Grade 12) is offered in all schools in the Autauga County School System. Special education services for children with disabilities are provided in accordance with the Individual with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, Amendments of 2004 and Alabama Act 106. Students identified as eligible for special education services must meet Federal and state eligibility requirements as having a disability in addition to needing specially designed instruction in order to access the general education curriculum. Disabilities recognized by the State of Alabama include:
Preschool Services: Preschool services are available through the Autauga County Special Education Department for children ages 3 through 5 years who meet eligibility criteria as outlined in the Alabama Administrative Code. A child may begin to receive services anytime during the school year on or after their third birthday. Services may continue through the Autauga County Preschool Program until the school year that the child is eligible to attend kindergarten. When entering kindergarten, a child may continue receiving services through the school age programs as long as they are still eligible for services. Services range from specially designed instruction, speech/language therapy, physical therapy, and/or occupational therapy. Different service delivery models are available to these students ranging from a community preschool setting, a special education preschool environment, or justified homebound location. Contact the State Child Find Agency at (800) 543-3098 for children ages birth through two years of age who may need special education services.
Gifted Students: Gifted students are those who perform at or who have demonstrated the potential to perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared to other students of their age, experience, or environment. These students require services not ordinarily provided by the regular school curriculum. Students possessing these abilities can be found in all populations, gender, economic class, or nationality. In addition, some students with disabilities may be gifted. A student may be referred by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, or any other individuals with knowledge of the student's abilities. Additionally, students in the second grade participate in the state wide "2nd Grade Screening Process" in order to identify gifted students. For each student referred, information is gathered in the areas of aptitude, characteristics, and performance. The information is entered on a matrix where points earned determine if the student qualifies for gifted services. Gifted students may receive services through a variety of service delivery options depending on the age of the student. These may include:
The Autauga County School District shall prohibit discrimination against any student on the above basis with respect to his/her participation in the gifted program. The program for gifted education shall be in compliance with the Alabama Administrative Code 290-8-9-14. For additional information concerning the gifted program, contact the Autauga County Special Education Department at (334) 361-3843. |
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